01.Fees should be deposited by 20th of every month. A late fee of Rs.20/- is to be paid with Tution fees if paid after 20th day. All fees is to be desposited either with Bank of India in Academy's Bank account Bank of India A/c No. 402620100000886, IFSC: BKID0004026.

02.After deposting the fees in Bank, Soft copy of the challan is to be submitted in the office for collecting fees-receipt. In case the fees is not deposited for three months the student's name will be striked off from the attendance register. For re- admission a fee of equivalant amount of admission fee shall be charged.

03.Money reccipt of the fees deposited can be collected between 11 A.M to 5 P.M everyday, except thursday and friday.

04.Caution deposit will be refundable only after completion of the course.